Our Values & Who We Are


We uphold principles of transparency, accuracy, and honesty in our interactions with clients.


We honour your culture, life experiences, and unique personality, creating a trusting and collaborative environment.


We provide compassionate and supportive care, ensuring clients feel heard, understood, and supported.


We maintain high ethical standards and ensure our clinicians are well-trained in conducting assessments.

Genuine Connection

We’re committed to real conversations and building trust with everyone involved.

How we act:
We’re transparent in our actions, listen carefully, and form true connections with our team, clients, and referrers.

Responsive Service

We adapt to our client and referrer’s needs while maintaining a commitment to providing a high-quality service. We are approachable.

How we act:
We actively seek feedback and tailor our services to better suit the diverse needs of our clients and referring partners.

Integrity First

We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, focusing on what is good and right, even if it’s not the easiest way.

How we act:
We make ethical choices, communicate with honesty, and engage in sustainable practices.

Taking Responsibility

We own our actions and decisions, both as individuals and as a company.

How we act:
We set clear goals, hold ourselves accountable for results, and foster a culture of responsibility.

Client-Focused Teamwork

Our clients are at the centre of all we do, and we collaborate closely for the best outcomes.

How we act:
We involve clients in our decisions, work in partnership, and take a comprehensive approach to care.

Ongoing Growth

We encourage an environment of continuous learning and improvement as clinicians and actively work with our clients and referring organisations to offer the best service.

How we act:
We provide educational opportunities, celebrate progress, and consistently work on enhancing our practices and abilities.