NDIS Assessments

Our clinicians have experience working with people with disabilities and understand the complexities of navigating the NDIS.

We provide diagnostic reports to support access to the NDIS for children and adults with developmental disorders, such as Intellectual Developmental Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and for adults with Psychosocial disabilities.

We also provide reports for private paying clients. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to access the support they require – please call us for information on payment options.

We utilise a holistic approach, working closely with families, support coordinators, and other stakeholders to optimise outcomes for our participants.

We have extensive experience working with Youth Justice, Community and Corrections and The Assessment and Referrals Team (ART).

Functional Capacity Assessments

Functional Capacity Assessments identify the areas of support or assistance required for the individual across:

  • Mobility
  • Communication
  • Social interaction
  • Self-management
  • Learning
  • Selfcare

A functional capacity assessment ensures that the individual receives the right amount of NDIS funding for the level of support required, the goals they would like to achieve, and developing independence.

Home and Living Options Assessment

Home and Living Options encompass a range of housing solutions, with a special focus on Supported Independent Living (SIL) that aligns seamlessly with the principles of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Types of accommodation include:

Medium-Term Accommodation

For individuals who have a home they will move into but are unable to yet as the disability supports are not ready.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

For individuals who have extreme functional difficulties and very high support needs.

Short-Term Accommodation (STA)

For individuals looking for support and accommodation for a short time, up to 14 days, away from their usual living accommodation. This includes respite care.

Individualised Living Options (ILO)

For individuals to design and choose where and how they want to live and the support they require to suit them.

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

For individuals with higher support needs living in their home or shared housing, who require support and supervision all the time.

At Psychological Assessments, we conduct housing assessments that are in line with the requirements of the NDIS. This enables you to receive the support you need.

Additional NDIS-related services

Sometimes things change and we are here to help you when things change with your NDIS plan. Embracing change is a natural part of life, and we are dedicated to supporting you through any adjustments to your NDIS plan. Our team is equipped to assist in various areas, including:

Plan Reviews
  • How funding is being used
  • If the funding supports are helping you achieve your goals
  • If your needs have changed
Change of circumstance applications including changes in:
  • Disability support needs
  • Informal support arrangements
  • Compensation status
  • Living arrangements
  • Employment
  • Financial
  • Health and wellbeing
Request for additional funding

Additional funding may be required when your circumstances change, additional diagnoses are added or supports change.

Adding additional diagnoses

Support in including additional diagnoses obtained after the original NDIS plan.

Verifying level of functional impairment

Ensures you receive the correct supports to meet your individual needs and goals.