Medicolegal Assessments

At Psychological Assessments, we have experience in independent medicolegal reports.
Our clinicians present complex psychological concepts in jargon-free, easy-to-understand language.

Our comprehensive medicolegal reports provide accurate, expert insights to support court proceedings and legal decisions.

Medicolegal reports are essential for legal cases that require psychological evaluations. These reports provide detailed insights into an individual’s psychological state, helping to inform court decisions. Our assessments are conducted by experienced psychologists who understand the legal requirements and ensure that reports are thorough, accurate, and defensible.

We provide reports for:

  • Independent medical evaluations
  • Fitness to stand trial
  • Compensation reports (criminal, personal injury, work-related accidents)
  • Decision-making for Adults with impaired capacity (e.g. appointing a guardian, administrator, EPOA)
  • Memory Assessment
  • Personality Assessment
  • Pre-sentence or pre-trial reports

See schedule of fees

Psychological Assessments accepts referrals for Mental Health Court, Independent Medical Evaluations and more. 

Typically, assessments are completed in one appointment, but two appointments may be required when completing comprehensive evaluations. Two appointments may be required for clients who are not applying adequate effort or who may not have the capacity to complete testing in one session. The decision to assess over two sessions will be made during the first appointment and/or negotiated prior to services being rendered.

A comprehensive assessment can range from 10-14 hours. Additional time may be required dependent on the amount of documentation to be reviewed. 

Assessment Process & Inclusions

The assessment process and inclusions for medicolegal assessments will be determined on a case-to-case basis and will be charged according to individual assessment requirements. Typically most assessments will include the following:

  • Clinical interview(s)
  • Administration of psychological assessments
  • Assessment scoring, interpretation, and report writing
  • Report and recommendations
  • Feedback session (if requested)
  • Review of all relevant files including; court documents, legal documents, hospital and medical records, police records, and any other relevant information