Welcome to Complete Mind Clinic

Complete Mind Clinic is a comprehensive practice that provides ADHD assessment, diagnosis, and therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. At Complete Mind Clinic, we provide rapid access to all the professionals you need to see in one location.

For many ADHDers, receiving a diagnosis is the first step to understanding yourself and how your brain works. Our aim is to help you find the answers you are looking for, because we believe that understanding yourself is the first step to discovering your true potential.

Discover your true potential.

Our Services

Complete Mind Clinic is the neurodivergent brainchild of Dr Alison Pilkington and Dr Adina Piovesana, born in response to the overwhelming need for neurodevelopmental assessment in Queensland.

Working within the health and assessment sector for over 12 years each, Dr Alison and Dr Adina were witness to the long wait times, confusing processes, and misinformation their patients were experiencing when trying to get a diagnosis. Believing that understanding yourself is the foundation for achieving your true potential, Dr Alison and Dr Adina have created a clinic that supports patients to get the answers they seek, faster. With a curated team of health professionals skilled in assessment and passionate about collaborative care, Complete Mind Clinic is a unique practice dedicated to supporting patients on a journey of self-discovery.

Complete Mind Clinic also provides ADHD assessments for children and adolescents as well as therapy. Our team at CMC is also dedicated to providing a range of therapy services that cater to the unique needs of ADHDers. We understand that every person is different, and we offer personalised therapeutic approaches to help manage ADHD symptoms and improve daily functioning. All therapy services are offered via telehealth and can be booked via the CMC website.


Neurodiversity is the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways and there is no one “right” way of thinking, learning and behaving.

The many variations in human brains are biologically normal and adaptive. One of these brain variations is ADHD.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological variation that impacts the way a person processes information and engages with the world. Many people with ADHD (or ADHDers’) have unique strengths, passions, and energy.

They may also experience challenges completing day to day tasks and engaging in different environments. For many people with ADHD, these daily struggles can be exhausting and may be distressing in some situations.


We understand that the path to an ADHD diagnosis can be long and frustrating. There is a lot of conflicting information out there about who can give you a diagnosis, and the processes can be confusing.

For ADHDers, it is often the skills you have difficulty with that are required to coordinate getting a diagnosis. This becomes a barrier, and so the cycle continues. At Complete Mind Clinic, we take out the guesswork and the stress.

How are we different?

Our Services

No referral needed; you can refer yourself and book your appointment immediately online.

One Location

At our practice, you have access to all the professionals you need to see in one location

Clear Process

Our process is easy to follow, with support available every step of the way


There are no excessive waitlists with Complete Mind Clinic. You will have an answer in no time so you can start this next chapter of your life, sooner.



$3400, with a rebate of $603.60*

*If you have reached your Medicare safety net, your medical rebate will increase. Please check this through the Medicare portal on your MyGov.

A non-refundable deposit of $850 is required at the time of booking, $1700 is payable at your first appointment, with the remaining $850 at your second appointment.

Discover Your True Potential