Specific Learning Disorder

What is a Specific Learning Disorder Assessment?
Child Specific Learning Disorder assessments are designed to evaluate and diagnose learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and other specific learning challenges. These assessments typically involve comprehensive evaluations using standardised tests, clinical interviews, and observations to understand your child’s unique learning profile.

What is the benefit of having an assessment?
Our comprehensive child Specific Learning Disorder assessments provide a clear understanding of your child’s challenges and strengths. Gain insights that help guide decisions about educational and workplace accommodations, support services, and personal strategies for success. With a clear diagnosis and tailored support, your child can manage challenges more effectively, leading to improved daily functioning and overall well-being.

Below is a list of symptoms, challenges, or behaviours commonly associated with this condition.

Recognising these signs? Psychological Assessments Pty Ltd is here to help with understanding and managing these challenges.


Are there issues with spelling words correctly? 

Math Basics

Are simple math concepts tough to grasp? 


Do you or your loved one have trouble with speaking clearly?

Word Recognition

Is recognizing words when reading challenging? 


Is reading slow or often filled with mistakes? 

School Challenges

Did learning difficulties become noticeable during school years?


Is writing by hand difficult or messy? 

Reading Comprehension

Is it hard to understand the meaning behind what’s read? 


Is moving smoothly or coordinating actions a struggle? 


Are grammar and punctuation points often missed? 

Poor Grades

Do you or your loved one struggle to pass at school despite trying hard and getting help from teachers?  

What is Specific Learning Disorder?

SLD (Specific Learning Disability) affects how a person processes information, making it hard to learn in certain areas. 

Each person with SLD is different, and their challenges can vary.


  • Challenges with reading and spelling. 
  • Reading can be hard, including understanding what’s read, spelling, and writing. 
  • Difficulty understanding and doing math.
  • Math concepts and calculations can be a struggle.
  • Struggles with writing and translating thoughts onto paper.
  • Writing may be difficult, affecting spelling, grammar, and neatness. 
  • Trouble with movement, coordination, and speech. 
  • This can cause problems with physical tasks and speech. 

How Can We Help?

We provide assessments to help those with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). Our evaluations identify each person’s learning strengths and challenges. With these insights, we create personalised plans to meet their specific needs. These assessments also give valuable information to individuals, families, and teachers to help overcome educational and personal hurdles. Our goal is to promote academic achievement, build confidence, and improve well-being.