Neurocognitive Disorder

What is a Neurocognitive Disorder Assessment?
Child Neurocognitive Disorder assessments are designed to evaluate cognitive impairments such as memory loss, attention deficits, and other cognitive challenges in adults. These assessments typically include a thorough evaluation process using clinical interviews, standardised testing, and observation.

What is the benefit of having an assessment?
Child neurocognitive disorder assessments provide valuable insights that help guide decisions about treatment options, lifestyle adjustments, and ongoing support. Early and accurate identification of  neurocognitive disorders allows for targeted interventions and better management to enhance quality of life. 

Below is a list of symptoms, challenges, or behaviours commonly associated with this condition.

Recognising these signs? Psychological Assessments Pty Ltd is here to help with understanding and managing these challenges.

Thinking and Memory

Have you noticed a drop in how well you or your loved one can think or remember?

Everyday Tasks

Is doing things you’ve always done, like getting dressed or making meals, becoming harder?


Are there new challenges with talking or understanding what people say or write? Is following along or joining in on talks with others harder than it used to be?

Less Social

Is there less interest in being with friends or family?

Forgetting Recent Information

Is it hard to recall names, places, or things that happened recently?

Making Decisions

Has making choices or solving problems become more difficult?

Emotions and Behaviour

Are managing feelings or actions more difficult, or have you seen unusual mood changes?

Brain Injury

Have you experienced an injury to the brain like from a car accident, sports-concussion, stroke?

Living Independently

Do you require more support to continue to live independently or is there a risk you might need to find more supportive accommodation options?

Following Instructions

Is paying attention or understanding directions becoming a problem?


Do you or your loved one get mixed up about the date, where you are, or who people are?

Expressing Needs

Is it tough to let others know what you want or need?

Sleep Changes

Are there noticeable shifts in how well you or your loved one sleeps?

Repeating Oneself

Is there a tendency to ask the same thing over and over or repeat the same stories?

Family History

Is there a family history of neurodegenerative conditions like dementia? Are you HIV positive and are experiences a decline in your abilities?

What is Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD)?

Neurocognitive disorders involve a noticeable decline in mental functions like attention, memory, language, and decision-making.

This decline can be caused by an injury to the brain (from falls, accidents, or strokes), diseases or infections (like meningitis, HIV, Huntington’s), neurodegenerative (like dementia), or from excessive substance use (like alcohol, drugs, or medications).



Sudden confusion, less awareness of surroundings, and difficulty focusing that can last for hours to months.


A significant drop in thinking and memory that affects daily independence.


A slight drop in mental functions that doesn’t interfere with daily life.


  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • HIV infection
  • Frontotemporal degeneration
  • Prion disease
  • Lewy body disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Vascular disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Another medical condition
  • Substance/medication use

How Can We Help?

Our psychological assessments are designed to offer support for individuals with NCD.

Through our thorough evaluation process, we gain insights into an individual’s cognitive functioning, including memory, attention, language, and executive functioning, and how any impairments in these areas impact on daily life.

Our assessments also help in identifying specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to recommend tailored interventions and support strategies to address their unique needs. Additionally, our assessments provide essential information for families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about treatment and care planning.

Our aim is to facilitate comprehensive support to enhance the quality of life and well-being for individuals with NCD.