Global Developmental Delay

What is a Global Developmental Delay Assessment?
Child Global Developmental Delay assessments are designed to evaluate cognitive, motor, and social development. These assessments typically involve comprehensive evaluations using standardised tests, clinical interviews, and observations to identify developmental delays and provide a clear diagnosis.

What is the benefit of having an assessment?
Our comprehensive child Global Developmental Delay assessments provide a clear understanding of your child’s challenges and strengths. Based on the assessment results, we develop personalised strategies to address your child’s specific developmental needs. Gain valuable insights that guide decisions about educational interventions, therapies, and ongoing support for your child. Timely diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve your child’s development and long-term outcomes. 


Below is a list of symptoms, challenges, or behaviours commonly associated with this condition.

Recognising these signs? Psychological Assessments Pty Ltd is here to help with understanding and managing these challenges.


Is there trouble with sitting up, crawling, or walking?

Emotions & Behavior

Are managing feelings or behaviors a struggle?


Are reactions to sounds, sights, or touches unusual?


Is speech and language developing slower than expected?

Using Hands

Are there issues with picking up and handling objects?

Memory & Attention

Is it hard to remember things or stay focused? 

Following Directions

Is it hard to follow instructions or understand what could happen next?

Daily Tasks

Are eating, dressing, or using the bathroom difficult?

School Skills

Is learning to read, write, or do math harder than for others the same age?

Age-Appropriate Activities

Is there a delay in doing things typical for a certain age? 

What is Global Developmental Delay?

A child with Global Developmental Delay (GDD) typically presents with a delay in multiple developmental areas. Areas of delay may include:

    • Speech and language
    • Social and emotional development
    • Cognitive abilities
    • Daily living and play
    • Gross and fine motor skills

GDD falls under the category of intellectual developmental disorder, however, the diagnosis can only be given when the child is under 5 years of age, and they cannot be reliably assessed due to their age. They will require reassessment when they are older.

What Can Cause Global Developmental Delay?


Genetic conditions such as down syndrome, Rett syndrome, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and subtelomeric deletions.


Exposure to neglectful and traumatic environments, malnutrition, and deprivation of social and stimulating environments.


Metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and bilirubin-related neurotoxicity.


Premature birth, exposure to toxins, alcohol, infections, or complications during pregnancy.


Trauma to the brain such as acquired brain injury or shaken baby syndrome.

How Can We Help?

Our psychological assessments are designed to offer support for children with Global Developmental Delay (GDD).

Through our thorough evaluation process, we gain comprehensive insights into the child’s developmental milestones, cognitive abilities, and adaptive functioning, enabling us to identify areas of strength and areas that may require additional support. By understanding a child’s unique strengths and challenges, we can recommend tailored intervention plans and support strategies to address their specific needs.

Our assessments also provide valuable guidance for families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, enabling informed decision-making and facilitating access to appropriate resources and support services to support the child’s development and well-being.

Whether it’s accessing early intervention services, educational accommodations, or therapeutic interventions, our assessments serve as a vital tool in facilitating optimal outcomes for children with GDD.