Below is a list of symptoms, challenges, or behaviours commonly associated with this condition.

Recognising these signs? Psychological Assessments Pty Ltd is here to help with understanding and managing these challenges.

Staying on Task

Is it hard for you or your loved one to pay attention to tasks or activities?


Do you often forget daily activities or things you need to do?


Is being on time consistently a problem?

Thinking Ahead

Is there trouble thinking things through before making decisions?


Is there a lot of fidgeting or difficulty staying still?

Quiet Activities

Is talking a lot or not being able to do quiet activities an issue?


Are organising tasks and planning activities difficult? Does it become too overwhelming when there is too much going on and you don’t know where to even start?


Do small, overlooked details often lead to mistakes?

Staying Seated

Is sitting still for expected periods a challenge? Does moving around, pacing, or fidgeting with things make it easier?


Are you or your loved one easily sidetracked?

What is ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that affects focus, self-control, and activity levels. It’s often spotted in childhood but can continue into adulthood. Worldwide, ADHD affects millions, but many adults don’t realise they have it.

There are three types of ADHD:

  • Overlooking details
  • Struggling to follow instructions
  • Difficulty organising
  • Forgetting things like keys or phones
  • Feeling restless
  • Fidgeting or trouble staying seated
  • Talking a lot
  • Acting without thinking, like interrupting others


How Can We Help?

If you recognise any of these signs, Psychological Assessments is here to support you. Our team will understand your unique strengths and challenges by looking at how you think, interact with others, and handle daily tasks. We can offer personalised recommendations for assistance and with our support, individuals with ADHD can better navigate academic, professional, and interpersonal challenges, leading to improved self-awareness, self-regulation, and overall quality of life.