Meet The Team at
Psychological Assessments

Our team of psychologists are passionate about assessment and our approach is person centred.

Director and Principal Psychologist

Dr Adina Piovesana

Hi, I’m Adina, Director and Principal Psychologist at Psychological Assessments. I hold a Master of Clinical Psychology and a PHD, and I am a passionate Academic and researcher.

I was drawn to assessment early on in my career, after seeing the profound impact that correct diagnosis, and the resulting knowledge, had on clients and their families.

I started Psychological Assessments in response to the growing need for accurate, comprehensive and holistic assessment.

I believe that we can empower our clients and their caregivers by providing knowledge through assessment, and I am honoured to be a part of that journey.

I am an avid researcher, and was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland. I am privileged to continue these relationships and industry partnerships to ensure I remain at the forefront of advances within the field of psychological assessment.

With over 12 years’ experience conducting assessments, I am passionate about teaching these skills to psychologists who are interested in connecting with the person behind the data. My style is approachable, and my aim is to always make things clear and easy for you.

If you are interested in working together or have any questions, I would love to hear from you.